Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Special World

A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.

Friday, January 29, 2010

For Her

For her, I would make sure dew glides along a rose petal
Accompanied by the song of a lyre with notes infinitesimal
I would make rain drops fall with chimes of crashing crystal
Splashing in a dance of pieces so pristine and ephemeral

For her, I would convince butterflies to perform aerial ballet
Every time she wanders among flowers to make a bouquet
I would charm the robins to beautifully crochet
Using ferns, tulips and crocuses, a little beret

For her, I would entice the pure Lady of the Lake
To allow the water lilies to bloom earlier for her sake
I would assure the coy goldfish to daintily shake
Their flimsy tails near her naked feet so delicate

For her, I would whisper music to the fir cones for them to pirouette
I would play flute for the dandelions to flutter their fragile silhouette
I would compliment the snowflakes for them to sparkle on the minaret
And, with her, I would try to sing a lifelong melodious duet

- Written and owned by Penumbra -

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Think a little..

Success is not the key to happiness......Happiness is the key to Success.


वोह एक बार लौट के आते, तो बात कुछ और होती
मुझको सिने से लगाते, तो बात कुछ और होती .....

जाम कई पीता गया उल्फत-ऐ-गम में
थोड़ी निगाहों से पिलाते, तो बात कुछ और होती ....

कितना बेचैन था में दीदार-ऐ-यार करने को
नकाब वोह रुख से उठाते, तो बार कुछ और होती ....

ख्वाबो में आकर तड़पाते थे अक्सर
कभी सामने भी आते, तो बात कुछ और होती.....

अपनी चाहत को आँखों से बयान कर देता गर
एक बार नजरे जो मिलाते, तो बात कुछ और होती....

मेरी धड़कन में बस वोही बसा करते थे
साँसों में भी समाते, तो बात कुछ और होती....

अब तलक फिरता रहा में बनके परछाई उनकी
हमसफ़र मुझको बनाते, तो बात कुछ और होती ....

न जाने क्यूं अधूरी सी है मेरी हर एक “ग़ज़ल”?
उनके येहेसास उभर आते, तो बात कुछ और होती .......